Phantasmaphile Interview With PROMETHEA Artist, J.H. Williams III

Some of you may remember my “the universe is watching me” post about reading Alan Moore’s Promethea on the subway and the subsequent bonding experience I had with one of NYC’s more “expressive” straphangers. Some of you have no idea what I’m talking about. That’s ok. Click the linked text above to get caught up, and then go over to NYC’s Phantasmaphile to read a recent interview with artist J.H. Williams III whose insanely wonderful work graces spread after spread after glorious spread of Moore’s homage to Imagination as Magick.

Here’s a quote regarding Moore’s semi-ludditian tendencies to wet your little whistles:

Ph: I’ve heard rumors that Alan is a bit of a happy luddite. Was it challenging collaborating with him without email, say? What was the logistical process like working with him?

J3: Yeah, that is a little bit true. No email for Alan, not sure if he still does that. But at the time, he sent script material to us a lot of the time via fax. That was certainly troublesome on a occasion. Especially if we didn’t have access to a fax machine here at the house. Also sometimes we would only get 2 pages worth of story at a time because that’s all that was written when I was ready to draw.


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